PVT Benjamin M. Kerr 07-04-1900
38th US Volunteer Infantry | DOD: 7/4/1900 Died of dysentery while serving in the Philippine | Granbury Cemetery
The date is July 4th, 1900; shortly after the Spanish American War, during the Philippine Insurrection. While citizens of Hood County are celebrating their independence, the grandson of David and Elizabeth Crockett, Benjamin Magnus Kerr, was serving with the US. Volunteers 38th Infantry in the Philippine Islands.
Kerr was the first man from Hood County to lose his life in the conflict. After hearing of his death, all of Granbury, including schools and the post office, turned out to honor him at his funeral. Kerr left behind his wife and his son, born shortly under a year prior to his death. He was just 23 years old.